Personal Injury

Personal Injury

Personal Injury lawsuits are critical lawsuits as the plaintiff, has suffered harm to his or her body or mind. Personal injury lawsuits require meticulous reviews as they are filed against the person or entity that caused the harm through negligence, gross negligence, reckless conduct, or intentional misconduct. Every Personal Injury attorney faces a volume of medical records that require you to analyze the medical issues in the case. While Personal Injury victims may be legally entitled to recover costs associated with their nature of injury and extent of damages cannot be easily determined unless an attorney invests more time to analyze the facts. RRR Health Tech helps such attorneys by summarizing voluminous medical records and we structure our chronologies in such a way that it reduces attorneys review time.

Personal injury cases we handled:

Extensive Research

We have catered to several law firms dealing in the litigation of a multitude of causes, we have fulfiller requirements for pre-eminent firms and noteworthy organizations across the globe by employing our medical specialists in decoding, researching, and compiling the most comprehensive case reviews. Our MD’s make the best use of new methodologies and leverage a wide range of review systems to build high-end reports.
We deal with all types of personal injury claims include road traffic accidents, work accidents, tripping accidents, assault claims, and product defect accidents. Our service also incorporates medical and dental accidents and conditions that are often classified as industrial disease cases, including asbestosis and peritoneal mesothelioma, chest diseases, occupational deafness, occupational stress, contact dermatitis, and repetitive strain injury cases.



Medical Chronology


Narrative Summary


Expert Medical Opinion


Settlement Demand Letter


Billing Summary


Deposition Summary


Special Reports




Provider List


Jury Questionnaire


PDF Merging & Sorting


Missing Records Identification






Medical Transcription


Medical Billing